Michael Papadakis AKA @Sunscribes is an International Performance Artist specializing in an unusual form of Storytelling. Dubbed Heliography, Michael uses an array or mirrors and lenses to focus the Sun's powerful rays into art! Michael has showcased his skill set for a variety of clients & at live events throughout the US and abroad. Some recent clients include Anheuser-Busch, 20th Century Fox, GoPro, The Balvenie, R.J. Reynolds and Ripley's Believe It or Not! (Read More)

With over 50 Million views and counting, Michael's work has become a Viral Sensation across social media. His appearance on various live and recorded publications have brought national and international attention to this unusual technique.

Michael believes this form of art had it roots embedded since ancient times but has long since been forgotten due to the ephemeral nature of the craft. In fact, Michael believes Heliography is one of the oldest known forms of art.
In 2018, Michael was invited to speak at PINC Sarasota. PINC, often referred to as "a bubble bath for the mind " is a gathering of minds with a focus on science, art, humanity, and the fundamental pieces that create the human experience. Michael shared his story with a crowd of more than 500 noting that his artwork is community based and is only the end result of a greater story, the story of collective creation! (Read More)

Although Michael is best know for his theatrical videos and intricate works of art, his true passion is teaching others, especially children who are in need of a creative outlet.
Since 2015, Michael has dedicated his free time to facilitating Heliography workshops in order to share the therapeutic benefits of this fruitful craft.

A firm believer that creating art should be an ambidextrous process, Michael has devised a set of original tools requiring two hands to hold. This allows for the conception of larger than life bodies of work exceeding even human imagination.
Michael has collaborated with major brands to introduce progressive art concepts to their marketing initiatives. Self taught and self produced, @Sunscribes is quickly becoming a globally recognized brand, combining proven marketing techniques with engaging content. As a digital and demonstrative expert, Michaels approach has reached a worldwide audience resulting in a high demand for his services. (Contact)

Michael owes his success to safe practice. He always wears UV protective clothing and UV protective eyewear and carries with him preventative equipment such as water and a fire extinguisher. Michael never creates art in environments prone to wildfire or highly combustable materials!

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